Bishop Challoner Catholic Secondary School
St Michael’s Road
RG22 6SR
Telephone: (01256) 462661
Fax: (01256) 810359
Office opening hours, term time: 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8.30am to 4.00pm Friday
Opening hours for students: 9.00am to 3.35pm – 32.55 hours per week
email: or
For further information, or to arrange a visit or an appointment, please contact:
Mrs B O’Shea – Business Manager (
Ms Claire Oakes – SENDCo (
To report a student’s absence please telephone 01256 462661 select option 1 – or email –Â
To enquire about vacancies and job opportunities please email:
To contact the Data Protection Officer please email:
To contact the Admissions Clerk please email:Â Admissions Clerk ( )
To contact the Governing Body please initially contact: Clerk to the Governors (
We know you expect a lot of us and want to be well informed about policies and practice that affect your child. Please contact staff about any relevant matters. Teachers will contact you by telephone or in writing when they want to tell you that your child has done well or if there is any cause for concern. You are welcome to contact staff any time you need.
However, teachers are in class most of the day and, when not in class, may be on duty in the dining hall or playground at lunchtime and break time. This means that they cannot always get back to you as soon as you leave a message, but they aim to return your call within a day.
In many cases, reception staff are able to answer general queries – for example, dates of events, uniform issues etc. – so when you call please explain your query to the receptionist first in case she is able to give you an immediate answer. If you do need to speak to a particular member of staff, here are the best options:
Call the main school number (01256 462661) and ask if the staff member is available.  If they are available, you will be put through, if not you will be asked if you wish to leave a message, and our receptionist will take a message on their behalf.
Alternatively, you may like to send an email to the staff member explaining why you need to make contact. This latter option is often the best way of ensuring you receive a rapid reply, as staff have more regular access to emails than telephones! Please send any such emails to and they will be passed on to the relevant member of staff.