What is STEAM?
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics. It looks to bring together the ideas from the 5 subjects and combine them. It can be delivered in many ways from a STEAM club to organised activities.
Why is STEAM important?
STEAM is important as the subjects underpin the world in which we live. STEAM activities encourage students to think ‘outside the box’, work in teams, investigate their surroundings, and see the connectivity between the subjects they learn in school and the real world around them.
STEAM at Challoner
Starting in September 2022 Bishop Challoner has a new vision for STEAM with the following goals.
- Running a regular active STEAM club for Key Stage 3 pupils. STEAM club activities are themed and designed to run over a period of weeks with each activity having a specific STEAM focus allowing students to gain a structured and balanced experience across a range of disciplines.
- Identification of cross curricular links and lessons in which STEAM can be highlighted or can contribute to existing schemes of work e.g. showing how developments in science and medicine have influenced literature, STEAM in the Arts , STEAM in sport etc.
- Visits to (or from) potential STEAM employers, educators and industry professionals both local and national.
- Involvement in local and national STEAM challenges, awards and competitions.
- Championing diversity and inclusivity in STEAM.
Please check back here for termly updates on what we have been doing!
September 2022 Autumn term:
This term we have been looking at forces and engineering in STEAM club. Starting from basic physics principles we have looked at:
- How to make the best paper aeroplane
- How to build a load bearing bridge out of paper
- Creating the tallest structure we can from marshmallows and dry spaghetti.
- How to drop an egg from a building without it breaking.
If you would like to know more about STEAM at Bishop Challoner or feel there is something you could offer please contact our STEAM coordinator Dr J Hales.