Our Learning
Students follow a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum. The curriculum enables students to:
- Develop their knowledge, skills and understanding
- Gain understanding of social, economic and political issues
- Be aware of the spiritual dimensions of life
- Develop attitudes, values and beliefs that are reasoned and acceptable within society
- Develop a willingness to learn and apply themselves to study
- Develop a sense of self-respect
- Develop independence of learning fostering the skills and attributes for lifelong learning
- Engage with local communities
- Prepare for life in Modern Britain. The Curriculum promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and those without faiths
- The school operates a one week, thirty-five period timetable with a two focused tutor time periods; which incorporates literacy, current affairs, articles, PSHEE and assemblies
- Mathematics, MFL and Science will set students based on ability whereas all other subjects are broad banded or mixed ability.
This information is shared with stakeholders in our KS4 Options booklet.
We have designed Curriculum statements for each department as well as careers and PSHEE. We also have KS3/4 maps for each department and these are on the website. Teaching and learning is at the heart of our curriculum. We devote a lot of our Twilight training and CPD to this and to TEEP. The use of BTEC/CNAT to accommodate non-MFL candidates means we also offer a vocational pathway whilst keeping EBACC high (above 60%). The selection process involves all stakeholders (parents/carers, students, staff).
In Year 7, 8 and 9 we aim to give all students a broad education in a wide variety of subjects:
The Core Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- RE
Non-core Subjects
- Art
- Design Technology/ Food Technology/IT
- Drama
- French or Spanish
- Geography
- History
- Music
- PE
Students still maintain focus on the core subjects – English, Mathematics, Science, and RE alongside either MFL or a BTEC/CNAT, History and/or Geography as well as selecting 1 other option subject:
- Art
- Computer Science
- Design Technology
- Drama
- Food & Nutrition
- Music
- PE
The quality of teaching and learning is good as observed in our learning walks. Assessment is organised and structured and is inclusive of moderation and standardisation of levels in departments. Learning ladders are consistently used in KS3 assessment. Data captures occur three times a year in addition to one written report per year group and one virtual parent’s evening per year group (in some cases two in Year 11 for SLT parent’s evening).
CAT assessments have been used to set targets on FFT analytics for current Year 7/8 (FFT20 is used – this is aspirational as we are an FFT50 school). All other year groups use SATs.
Pupils with SEN and/or disabilities are tracked and monitored by SENDco, HoDs, HoY. The curriculum planning cycle occurs after Pathways for Year 9 happens in January. From here, members of SLT and HoDs engineer appropriate groups to suit the needs of the entire cohort (KS3/4 transition).