Bishop Challoner Catholic School has established a strong tradition of student voice as a powerful means of ongoing reflection, negotiation, and improvement for the whole community. This takes many forms which we feels empowers the student body. Student Voice promotes the idea of collaboration between students and staff to build a cohesive community.
Two representatives from each tutor group make up the student voice panel. The representatives are chosen as a result of a democratic process including the production of a manifesto.
The main roles of the Student Voice are to:
- Raise and respond to items raised.
- Collect the voices and opinions of the school community.
- Feedback decisions and action points to their tutor groups.
- Represent the school when meeting visitors to the school.
- Supporting the Senior Leadership Team by playing a role in the recruitment of new staff.
- At Bishop Challoner we are keen to provide the Student Voice body with support and training in their role. To assist in this we welcome advocates from the SUN (Southern University Network) who lead annual training sessions.
Examples of activities that the student voice representatives have been involved in include:
- Identifying the main areas of concerns for the students to discuss.
- Feedback on the provision and delivery of life lessons.
- Sharing views around the provision of Careers.
- Advocating the need for additional bike shelters.
- A question and answer session with Dame Maria Miller MP regarding life in and around Basingstoke.