Bishop Challoner School Library
The Library is open Monday – Thursday from 8.30am – 4.30pm and Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. There are over 7500 titles for students to choose from. Each student can borrow up to 3 books for 3 weeks at a time. If they need longer to finish a book then we are happy to renew and extend the loan period. Students can use the library space before school, during morning break and at lunchtime.
There are 10 computers which can be used to complete homework or private study.
- Years 7, 8 and 9 have regular timetabled lessons in the library, where they are introduced to new books, encouraged to read different genre and enjoy virtual meet the author events.
- We welcome suggestions from students of books they would like to see added to our stock.
- Book Buzz – under a scheme funded jointly by Bishop Challoner and the BookTrust, where each Year 7 student has the opportunity to choose a free book from up to 20 titles on offer.
- Over many years, twelve Year 8 students have taken part in the annual Hampshire Book Award. They are given 6 shortlisted titles in March to be read by the end of June. During weekly meetings they discuss various aspects and merits of each book, this culminates with an area meeting with other schools to discuss the books and then vote for a winning title. Votes from all over Hampshire are cast and a winning author named. During the following term, students will meet the author and later prepare the list for next year’s candidates.
- We hold the following book clubs which typically meet every half term:
- 2 x Year 7 book clubs
- 1 x Year 8 book club
- 1 x Year 9 book club
- Students are also able to access the digital library, Sora, outside of school hours and term time. This digital platform has a choice of over 10,000 titles which can be borrowed as ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and comics.